Monat: Februar 2005
Peter Cochrane about Skype
Today at Unbound Spiral I found this report from Peter Cochrane, former CTO and Head of Research of BT. He is a genuine telecom guy – the guys who still try to ignore Skype – and he states that Skype changed the way he communicates: „For the last few months I have been experimenting with…
Don´t try this at home
Gmail inflation, part 2
I like Gmail a lot. Its realy the best consumer e-mail service for me. In the last weeks it looked like they are on the road to make Gmail available for everybody. I had tons of invitations to give away to my friends, and I even have enough to make someone happy out there. But…
Sell nuclear weapons to Iran!
Michèle Alliot-Marie, the French defence minister, has argued that sales of weapons technologies to China could slow China´s push to develop its own capabilities according to an Financial Times report : „China is rapidly developing its industry, and today our experts say that in five years China could make exactly the same arms that we…
Adaptive Life
Gestern hatte ich das Vergnügen auf unserer hauseigenen „IBM Workplace Roadshow“ laut und vor Publikum über Portale nachdenken zu dürfen. Angeregt durch den letzten DNUG – Vortrag von David Marshak, damals noch Analyst bei der Patricia Seybold Group und heute im Dienste von IBM tätig, sprach ich über Adaptive Workspaces.Provoziert durch den Blick in die…
Wahre Liebe
Thats D-to-tha-izzamn good bitch ass nigga
Looking for the Unofficial Workplace Installation World Championship, I found this at Ed Brills site. Gizoogle! My site is now realy groovy, isn´t it?
Never forget a face
Workplace Installation Competition
vowe does not realy like the competition that unofficially started last week at Ed Brills site. Its about installing IBM Workplace Services Express (WSE) in 30 minutes or less – and vowe is right when he says „these 30 minutes do not give you a lot more than a pretty face and a slow portal“.…
Ich bin nicht Alexander Kluge!
Heute wieder mal in der Tagespost: Sehr geehrter Herr Kluge,ich hab zwar noch nicht viele Filme von ihnen gesehen, aber ich bin begeistert von dem was ich geshen habe.Vor allem von „Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit“.Da ist mir heute die Frage aufgekommen: Warum drehen sie in der heutigen Zeit keine Filme mehr? Ist…