
While the „year-end race“ is heating up more and more – actually it is a year-end race we never saw in the last five years – the SPAM race seems to be open, too. Meanwhile I receive 600 to 800 SPAM mails on my domain every day. Since I switched to Google Hosted Mail I had no chance to integrate with my favourite SPAM service eXpurgate. Initially I had no problem with the Google SPAM filter, and most of the time I just deleted the huge ammount of SPAMs – I had no time to check for false positives. And I received three two five false negatives per day.

Unfortunatly I realized a few days ago, that I relied too much on Google´s Spam filtering capabilities. I found out there have been false positives – and these emails were very important to me. That never happened with eXpurgate. So I tried to integrate eXpurgate with GMail. But GMail does not offer any capabilities to turn of GMail´s SPAM filter so I can forward email and route them through eXpurgate. This is bad and I wonder why Google does not provide this option. Now I check my SPAM folder in GMail as often as I can. A waste of time.

Additionaly I spent lots of time with comment spammers in this blog the last three months. There is cheap labor out there, and the vi*gra content is entered manually every day. I will enable „word verifaction“ for this blog from now on. Lets see if it helps…

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