News from the Kluge Gadget Department

Finally the Blackberry Pearl arrived. Turned it on, connected it to my Domino BES – done. I played around with it for a few hours – and decided to send the Palm Treo 750v immediatly back. I still have the Treo 650 and some other devices, but the Pearl beats them all.

If someone would have told me a year ago to use a Blackberry device I probably would have sent him away. But today one of my colleagues looked over my shoulder and said: „gone are the Palm OS days“. And he was right – unfortunatly.

Meanwhile I tweaked the design, added some new themes, installed the IBM Lotus Sametime Client and hold phone conferences for hours without charging the device.

And maybe I am the only one who has a T-Mobile branded Pearl with a Vodafone theme in the eplus GSM network 😉

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