The new toy arrived – and I had the chance to play around with it the last days. There is really not much more to say then vowe allready did. If you own a Treo 600, there is no need for an upgrade. But if you think about buying a smartphone, the Treo 650 is perfect.
I did not miss Bluetooth so much, but I enjoy the new display very much. Its brilliant like the display of my old T2. While I wished the new Treo will have a display like the T2 or T3, I did not expect the Treo to have the new apps on it. I missed these apps on my T2 which were introduced with the T3, because the contact management has now some good features like a birthday field -which is displayed in the calendar – and support for multiple adresses for one contact. The Treo 650 has the feature – and I am satisfied.
One important thing for me was the keyboard on the Treo 600. I usualy do not write long reports on a smartphone, and I am not the SMS type of guy. But I enjoy my wireless PIM synchronisation with my Domino account via Pylon Anywhere, so typing and answering emails on the new Treo 650 is now a lot easier for me.
Over all – having looked at Pocket PC based smartphones, Blackberry devices and the new Nokia Communicator – the Treo 650 is definetly the best choice for me.
New toy in town
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