Does it pay off?

Visiting Lotusphere does pay off. No question. Meet the people you need to talk to. Understand new products and your vendors strategy. It does pay off without question.

But: I receive two or three invitations per evening/day for a special event sponsored by one of our suppliers or the suppliers that want to deal with me. It is always a very expensive dinner, sometimes it is a real event like last years SkyVenture visit with IT Factory – which will be repeated today 😉

On the business partner reception last night one of our partners explained he is paying 100.000 US$ per Lotusphere day. Booth, special events, catering, staff, sponsoring and so on. I met some smaller german partners who realy pay lots of money for the booth and all that stuff to start business in the United States. And I wonder now: Does it realy pay off?

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