Monat: Februar 2005

  • Joke of the day

    Ed Brill listens to Bill Gates at the Office Developer Conference: We’ve driven Exchange penetration up substantially over these last couple of years, talking about from 55% to 75% market share on Exchange. Last years Gartners study says Exchange has 44% and Lotus Notes 46%. Well, maybe Bill Gates has his own way of counting…

  • gmail Inflation

    Das Thema gmail scheint gegessen zu sein. Offenbar nähert sich jetzt die Beta-Phase des wirklich netten Google Mail Dienstes ihrem Ende, denn ich habe inklusive diverser Familienaccounts 200 (in Worten Zweihundert!!) gmail Einladungen zu vergeben. Da die letzten auch nur schleppend weggingen, folgt hier die müde Aufforderung: Wer eine haben will, melden.

  • Mobil und Fest zum Flachtarif

    Den Johnny erreicht ein Gerücht, wonach E-Plus zur CeBIT die Einführung einer netzinternen Flatrate für Sprachdienste einführen wird. Im Klartext: Für eine feste monatliche Summe innerhalb von E-Plus telefonieren, soviel man möchte. Gilt natürlich, wer hätte das gedacht, nicht für Datenübertragungen. Aber auch das wird kommen. Vernünftig. Tja, also dann Flat innerhalb e-plus für mich,…

  • Speeding

    A middle aged man bought a brand new convertible Porsche. He took off down the road, pushed it up to 160 and was enjoying the wind blowing through his thinning hair. „This is great,“ he thought and accelerated to an even higher speed. But when he eventually looked in his rear-view mirror there was a…

  • Skype Voice Mail activated

    As mentioned yesterday Skype started the voice mail service for selected customers. Thanks to Mitch I received an voucher, so we can test it here.

  • Spice up your life!

  • Skype Voice Mail

    As a workaround I am using Skype Answering Machine (SAM) for client based voice mail. Skype has activated now a server based voice mail service with version for selected users. It seems there are a view users now in my buddy list using this service. -> Here is the description how to start with…

  • Qooooooool!

    I don´t like Flipphones. But this Palm OS Device looks cool.

  • What´s wrong with this photo?

    [danke Steffen]

  • How to stay in touch – even when you’re dead

    An inventor from Osnabruck, Germany, has released a mobile phone for the deceased. The idea is that once your loved one is six feet under, you will still be able to talk to them, even if the conversation might be a little one-sided. The phone comes in a black box with a loudspeaker that is…